
LobbyNK 3.7.13

New configurations in "hotbar.yml"
CompassItem: 345
HidePlayerItem: 369
GadgetsItem: 54
+ Also fixed /build (player).
+ When you enter buildmode, your inventory will be cleared, If you leave the buildmode, you'll get back your Lobby hotbar.
+ Performance improvements in PlayerInteractEvent
+ removed some doubled code
+ fixed doubled bossbar
Performance increased, Lowered ram usage
Fixed some bugs
finally removed Saves.yml / delaydata.yml
changed default level to 2020


New Command: /lobby reload - Reloads configurations/languagefiles

Now, LobbyNK don't get its data directly from the config file. LobbyNK saves the data* to get them faster and with less resources.
Useless configs like Saves.yml or delaydata.yml got also removed.

Updaterequest by PetteriM1 :p

*Excluding location.ym
