Plan | Player Analytics

Plan | Player Analytics 5.6 build 2883


AuroraLS3 submitted a new resource:

Plan | Player Analytics - The ultimate tool to view player activity - Now also supports Nukkit

Experimental Nukkit Support!:)
Player Analytics is the ultimate server staff tool to monitor how players are playing your server.
A built in webserver displays insights into different aspects on the server such as Online activity, Playerbase and how these change over time.

Plan supports multiple different platforms and versions;
Nukkit, Spigot, Paper, Sponge, SpongeForge, Bungeecord, Velocity, Cauldron & all...
Read more about this resource...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Year in Review - Change log 5.0 build 335

Year in Review - 5.0 build 335

This December marked 3 years of Plan development. It has been an interesting year.
Year in review post below, change log for this bugfix update at the bottom.

I was going to write about what was done this year, but that became a 2 page essay so I scrapped it. Then I tried to write about the amount of work that went into this year, but that turned into another long essay.
Long story short, this year I worked on 5.0 update almost every...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.0 build 367 - Change Log

5.0 build 367 - Change Log

This update brings a big bunch of great bugfixes. Thanks for everybody who tested & reported bugs in the dev versions. Please note that you'll need to accept a new GeoLite2 EULA for Plan to download the geolocation database after the update.

If you're using Export I highly recommend this update as it fixes a memory leak in Html Export.

If you would like to support development, please consider becoming a...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.0 build 382- Change log

5.0 build 382- Change log


Added Webserver.Security.Disable_authentication setting
This setting allows disabling Plan authentication when https is set up, and it defaults to false to avoid previously secured servers from being exposed.

Added %plan_player_favorite_server% placeholder
Displays the same server name for the player who sees the placeholder as the one on the player page.

Fixed SpongeForge crashing when using IP2C...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.0 build 410 - Change log

5.0 build 410

This update brings some bugfixes that have been ready for a while, I've just been super busy and haven't had time for releasing them.
In addition to this I've begun work on Page Extension API which will allow adding new pages to Plan by other plugins. This seems to be a pretty hefty refactoring of the whole request-response stuff in use on Plan to have a nice to use API, but it's...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 474 - Page Extension API

Page Extension API - Change log 5.0 build 474

Page Extension API

PageExtension API allows adding new pages & script/stylesheet sources to Plan via an API.

The API consists of these services:
  • ResolverService - Allows adding HTTP request resolvers to Plan
  • ResourceService - Allows making web resources (files) customizable by the user
You can find the documentation here:

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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Bugfixes - 5.1 build 486 change log

Bugfixes - 5.1 build 486 change log
There was a pretty major regression bug in the last update that broke network page for anyone using a locale, so here is a bugfix release.
I decided to bash some other bugs while at it.
Change log
  • Fixed a bug with network page not opening when locale was in use
  • Fixed BuyCraft Extension not registering
  • Set BuyCraft Request...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Bugfixes - 5.1 build 486 Change log

Bugfixes - 5.1 build 486 Change log

There was a pretty major regression bug in the last update that broke network page for anyone using a locale, so here is a bugfix release.
I decided to bash some other bugs while at it.

Change log

  • Fixed a bug with network page not opening when locale was in use
  • Fixed BuyCraft Extension not registering
  • Set BuyCraft Request header and URL to use Tebex instead of Buycraft...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Change log 5.1 build 497

More bugfixes to reported issues


  • Fixed Html customized resources being overwritten & not being used
  • Fixed ERR_INVALID_REDIRECT when has empty IP
  • Possibly Fixed ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS with default server name
  • Fixed Some error pages not having css
  • Fixed /server/Server <bungee id> not redirecting to /network
  • Fixed ${serverName} appearing on some plugins tabs
  • Fixed ConcurrentModificationExceptions related to ResourceSettings...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 505

5.1 build 505
This update fixes some corner case bugs and a security vulnerability in the password brute-force protection. More details below.

Change log
Data gathering

  • Fixed lag on some operating systems when gathering CPU load during high CPU activity by moving CPU, RAM and Disk Space gathering to a non-server thread.
  • Fixed an issue when...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Login Page - Change log 5.1 build 545

Login Page - Change log 5.1 build 545

This update changes how login and registration is handled when authentication is enabled (requires https to be set up). In addition, a lot of smaller changes also got into the update.

Special thanks to Catalina (Spanish locale), Creeperface01 (Nukkit PlaceholderAPI support), developStorm (Emphasized online...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Change log 5.1 build 563

Change log 5.1 build 563

This update contains bugfixes.
Special thanks to yukieiji, Saph1s & shaokeyibb for their contributions to this update.

Activity Index

  • Fixed activity index inconsistencies between player and server/network/players pages. The inconsistencies were due to the SQL ignoring weeks with no playtime, leading to higher activity index than supposed to. The issue was not caught earlier due to improper unit...
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New Member



AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Change log 5.1 build 586

Change log 5.1 build 586

Here is an update with some improvements.

Special thanks to all contributors to this update; Fur_xia (Updates to Chinese locale), hallo1142 (Updates to Deutsch locale), itaquito (Updates to Spanish locale) Karlatemp (Bugfixes related to locale + async update check)

Change log

  • Added a 'Hour by Hour' graph similar to 'Day by Day' graph to server and network pages. It displays hourly new players and...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 615

5.1 build 615
This build contains one new feature (IP whitelist) and bugfixes.
Special thanks to Elguerrero & MastoryMd5 for their contributions to this update

Change log

  • Fixed permission check issue with /plan unregister that allowed anyone to unregister any user by if they knew their username.
  • Fixed these commands from executing database queries on server thread:
    • /plan players
    • /plan network
    • /plan register
    • /plan manage...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 624 - Hotfix

5.1 build 624 - Hotfix

Fixed an infinite loop in the error handling code when an Exception had a cause (most exceptions)

There was an infinite loop in the error handling code that has been causing high CPU usage and OutOfMemory crashes.
The loop prevented the actual exception from being logged, and was a very dumb mistake in the code, that is easy to miss.
I should have originally written some unit tests, but at least they are here now, and the error handling code is...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Fixes - Change log 5.1 build 657

5.1 build 657
This update has taken a while to get together, as I've been busy at work.
None the less, this update contains lots of bugfixes, quite many related to database related exceptions.

Special thanks to Saph1s for their contribution to this update.

Change log

  • New tables are now created with utf8mb4 as the default charset to avoid character encoding errors.
  • Increased deadlock retry attempts to 5, and added the attempt count to the...
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Hello, as my summer job is going to wrap up on Friday I think it is a good moment to gather some feedback on what to focus on next with Plan.

If you would like to affect Plan development priorities, fulfill this survey. It might take around 5-10 minutes.

I will post this survey again with the next update release to piggyback on the update notification. Thanks for being awesome! :)