Plan | Player Analytics

Plan | Player Analytics 5.6 build 2965


AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 791 - Change log

5.1 build 791 - Change log
This update brings lots of improvements made by contributors, as well as bugfixes.
Special thanks to Vankka, FluxCapacitor2 & antonok-edm for their contributions!

Thank you for the numerous answers to the feedback survey. I have looked at the 54 answers and did some analysis of them on discord.
You can also find answers to some of the questions posted on the survey here...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 808 - Change log

5.1 build 808
This build contains a few bugfixes.

Special thanks to Shadowhackercz for updating Czech locale.

Change log

  • Fixed /help causing NPE on Sponge
  • Fixed /plan command not working on 1.8 servers (they use old version of the chatcomponent library)
  • Fixed in game links working on 1.8 servers
Plugin Enable
More information is stored in ServerInfoFile.yml to speed up plugin enable when database is busy
  • ...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 810 - hotfix for b808

5.1 build 810 - hotfix for build 808
  • hotfix Fixed Plan not enabling on Bungeecord after second enable
This build contains a few bugfixes.
Special thanks to Shadowhackercz for updating Czech locale.
Change log
  • Fixed /help causing NPE on Sponge
  • Fixed /plan command not working on 1.8 servers (they use old version of the chatcomponent library)
  • Fixed in game links working on 1.8...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.1 build 813 - hotfix

5.1 build 813 - hotfix
  • hotfix Fixed Plan not enabling on Bungeecord after second enable
  • hotfix Fixed Plan not storing Server ID in the ServerInfoFile.yml leading to infinite redirect to "/server/Server null" when server name was not set.
This build contains a few bugfixes.
Special thanks to Shadowhackercz for updating Czech locale.
Change log
  • Fixed /help causing NPE on...
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In 4 days Plan will be a 4-years-old project. In previous years I have posted an update with a year-in-review, but it looks like there is no update to post, so I am writing that here.

This year in numbers

  • From build 335 to 813: 478 commits released as updates
  • From #30 to #8 in top spigot plugins by rating: Thank you for all the kind words
  • From 1000 servers to over 2500 servers
  • From 45k lines of code to 49k lines (not counting extensions or web files)
  • From 43.7% test coverage to 32.0% coverage
Unlike previous years, this year only had two rewrites, the command system and error handling.
Instead the features that came in this year trickled in one small feature at the time, perhaps difficult to notice. New settings, placeholder api support, login page, night mode by default, as well as optimizations to the tps task, small UX improvements and a bunch of errors fixed.

What some of those numbers say tell a troubling story of a storm brewing in the horizon. It is already here, and I am unable to keep all of the code in my head. The test code is suffering from code where everything depends on everything else. Because of this each feature takes longer to build, and bugs are harder to catch.

I am going to take a small break from development for December, and will get to tackling that technical debt first thing in January - to get back to making new useful features instead of having to use all my time tracking bugs. Until then, take care :)


AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Change log 5.2 build 1115

Change log 5.2 build 1115

Fancy new join-address pie, bugfixes, jar size optimization and large refactoring work, that’s what this is update contains.

Special thanks to vacoup for implementing player join-address gathering.

Previous update jar was too large for Cloudburst, please see further below for change logs of updates that have not been posted on Cloudburst.

Change log
Player join-address gathering

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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.2 build 1124

5.2 build 1124
Sorry for releasing that mess yesterday. I was way too tired to be making a release in the first place, and it only got worse as issues started pouring in. Well, live and learn. Today's a new day and I have spent 2 hours sorting out issues and testing the join address gathering.
Change log
  • Fixes to join address gathering
    • "Hostname" renamed to "Join addresses" to be more clear
    • This update applies a patch that...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Change log 5.2 build 1174

5.2 build 1174
This update brings a bunch of small improvements and bugfixes to prepare for the next leg of the development of new features - a lot of extension related work is planned for 5.3.

Bugfixes in change log now have the earliest affected version in square brackets so you know if your version is affected.

Special thanks to Creeperface01 and WolverStones for their contributions to this update.

Change log
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Extension Bonanza - 5.3 build 1284

5.3 build 1284 - Extension Bonanza
This version brings a new builder based API to the DataExtension API and with it support for 13 new plugins. In addition to this a lot of bugs were fixed. At least 35 tickets were closed for this release.
Special thanks to hallo1142, Aurelien30000, BruilsiozPro, WolverStones, BrainStone, Kopo942 and AppleMacOS for their contributions to this update. Thanks y'all!
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Java 16 support - Change log 5.4 build 1330

5.4 build 1330 - Java 16 support
This update adds Java 16 support, removes H2, updates many locales and fixes various bugs.
Special thanks to Kopo, 4drian3d, EyuphanMandiraci, 10935336, 洛伊, Sander0652 and portlek for contributing to this update.
Change log
Java 16 support
Runtime dependencies are no longer downloaded, so the reflection error goes away, and with it Java 16 is now...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

Change log 5.4 build 1354

Change log 5.4 build 1354
This update contains bugfixes and an upgrade to bootstrap 5.

If you got 5 seconds, please answer this one question poll about Html customization

Special thanks to Kopo for contributions to this update.

Change log

  • Kopo updated Plan to use Bootstrap 5, this was a large update, a lot of effort was put to keep appearance of the page the same...
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AuroraLS3 updated Plan | Player Analytics with a new update entry:

5.4 build 1366 - Change log

5.4 build 1366
This update brings some more bugfixes!

Special thanks to rymiel, Kopo & mbax for contributions to this update
Change log
  • Kopo fixed registration modal not opening after pressing register [builds 1354+]
  • rymiel fixed Player page plugin tabs not switching with multiple servers having the same plugin
  • rymiel changed login and registration to use Request body instead of...
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Do not work with Factions plugin
---- Stacktrace ---- java.lang.IllegalStateException: One or more extensions failed to register: Suppressed: java.lang.IllegalStateException: FactionsUUIDExtensionFactory failed to create Extension Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/massivecraft/factions/perms/Role Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.massivecraft.factions.perms.Role