New Member
hello againAfter you enabled it, set the spawn again. The saving is different to non multiworld servers
ive started all over again, now i got the lobby to work good again. started with 2 plugins multiworld and lobbynk.
made 3 worlds spawn, smp1 and smp2. set multilobby to false and multiworld to true in the config.then i teleport to the spawn world and setup /lobby set spawn. in compasscommands ive set up mw tp smp1 and mw tp smp2. with that done i did a reload and now it works great, but when i tp to smp1 world and mine some dirt and then i tp to smp2 it duplicates the inventory acrose the worlds. is there an option to set for having seperate inventorys on each world ?
btw when i stop the server and start it back up again the server gives a fatal error and somehow i need to setup /lobby set spawn again